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Let me take you on a journey through your clairs. In this course I will teach you about clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairscentience, clairscent and clairgustance. You will learn what they are and how you can use them.
Instruction videos, meditations, power-meditations, activations and much more valuable information in this course!
- Section 1 - An introduction into the six senses and and introduction to to power. The power is a state were you raise your energy so that you can communicate with the Spirit World.
- Section 2 - Dedicated to clairvoyance, you will receive information, videos and meditations to open up your clairvoyance abilities.
- Section 3 - Clairgustance and clairscent, the ability to taste or smell. Even though these are more rare, it is still possible to develop these clairs. In this section I will give you explanation about these clairs as well a meditation to open them.
- Section 4 - Clairaudience, hearing the Spirit World, in this section I give you a information and ameditation to develop this ability.
- Section 5 - Clairsentience, the clair were you can feel the spirit person that is communicating. A beautiful clair to develop for any medium or healer. Also in this section videos, explanations and meditations.
- Section 6 - Claircognizance, otherwise known as clairknowing. A droplet of information just drops in your mind and you just know the information about the communicator from the Spirit World. I will give you a power meditation to develop this clair.
In this course you will get meditations and activations to develop each clair, as well as a meditation to activate your power! Also I have added information on high sensitivity, negative energy and the Spirit World.
The course is designed for beginners who are just starting to learn about mediumship and clairs, but also for mediums who want to have more knowledge of the clairs and who want to develop their clairs and their mediumship! Join me on this magical journey through the clairs.
Your Instructor
I am Jason Goldsworthy CSNU, a spiritual medium and coach. I work internationally as a medium, in countries such as England, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and Canada.
As a little boy I already felt people around me that nobody else could see. I could feel them and know things. I was able to tell my parents things that I could not have known. When I was young this was not accepted so I hid these knowing and feelings. Many years later after receiving a reiki treatment, I started to re-discover the spiritual world. As an adult I was better able to deal with my seeing or feeling things from loved ones in the spirit world. It was not until after my brother passed that I realised how strong these feelings were. I literary felt my brother standing behind me.
To discover my talents and find out the possibilities I started training with some of the best and most reliable mediums in the world; Mavis Pittilla, Paul Jacobs, Eamon Downey and Jose Gosschalk.
The spiritual world communicates to me through images, sensing, hearing, knowing, smelling and sometimes tasting. The most special moments are when my mind is not interfering and the communicator from the spirit world just flows through me. The evidence of life after death and the message for the recipient just pours out
It is a beautiful feeling for me that you allow me to be the bridge between the loved ones in the spirit world and you. I can do this in private sittings, demonstrations of mediumship, workshops, courses or training. My inspiration is that I can proof to you that our souls are continuous; our life’s do not stop after we pass over.
The motto of my practice is that everyone has their own unique gifts, everyone has their own soul potential and talent that is waiting to be discovered!